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 Realm Meeting-5/15/2011

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

Realm Meeting-5/15/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Realm Meeting-5/15/2011   Realm Meeting-5/15/2011 Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 5:23 pm

Not a whole lot of people were there yesterday for the realm meeting. Some were sick, others busy. Not a big deal. Here's the summation:

-I'm personally pushing for EVERY member in Midgar to have their own personal weaponry. Up til now, I've been giving heavily discounted pricing for people's equipment, usually only for materials, and then picking up the slack if I miscalculated. Apparently, even that wasn't enough, as the majority of the realm doesn't have their own weapons. Due to this, I'm enacting this policy: You have two choices. You can pay me, and I make it for you, OR I can buy the materials and teach you and others how to make the weapon (i.e. turn it into a weapons class). First choice is basically the same as before; second choice is basically where I'm willing to eat the cost of the weapon, build it for you free of charge, and turn it into a weapons class. Even if I'm only teaching the person that commissioned the weapon. If it's something expensive, such as a cored heater/tower shield, a large red weapon, or plastidipped, I'll ask for some help with materials. But EVERYONE needs to have their OWN weaponry; the realm weapons are for new people who aren't sure if they want to stick around, for people that show up to try it out, etc. Also, on a personal note, I'm sick and tired of everyone grabbing MY WEAPONS without asking. So, my solution: I'll make you weapons, stop grabbing mine, dammit!

-I'm also pushing for EVERY member in Midgar to have garb. Once everyone has garb, loaner garb will be made, and the policy will then be as such: NO GARB=NO FIGHTING. There's a big push in the Midwest, and across Dagorhir as a whole, to actually look GOOD and BELIEVABLE while fighting, as opposed to being a bunch of dorks in jeans and tshirts beating each other with foam weapons.

-Attending practices: If you're coming to fight, come to fight. Plain and simple. If not, don't show up. What I mean is this: If you're a non combatant, and you come to practice, I don't expect you to fight. If you're a combatant, and you come to practice, I usually expect you to fight. This, obviously, can switch back and forth. If a non com comes to practice and says they want to fight, I'd expect them to fight til they were done. If a combatant showed up and said they weren't going to fight, just work on stuff and maybe coach or something, I'd be cool with it. If someone is going to show up to practice however, not say anything, and just take off? And everyone is wondering "Wtf, I thought he/she was going to fight? What's goin on?"

Yeah. You better be ready to deal with me. You want to do that kind of thing? Don't show up that day. If you're wanting to show up to cause drama, or interfere with practice or something, or just be an asshole, don't show up. If you just don't feel like fighting, then don't fight. Just say so, instead of showing up and making everyone think that you're going to fight and practice. On a side note: Kudos to the people who, since I announced this earlier, have done just that: let people know what's up. That goes out to Sulla, Sora, Croix, and Joker. Good communication guys!

I believe that's it for the realm meeting. I'm working on getting a sewing machine from my mom, that way I can start making better weapon covers, and so that way I can start sewing garb (as opposed to my crappy handsewn attempts). If you have questions, post here or shoot me a message.
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