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 Unit Meeting-5/15/2011

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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PostSubject: Unit Meeting-5/15/2011   Unit Meeting-5/15/2011 Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 6:01 pm

Ok, so I think I was the only one that showed up the unit meeting. Meaning, I was the only Dragonknight at practice. I guess it's a good thing there wasn't a unit battle, eh? Laughing

Anyways; here's the basics of the unit meeting:

-Weapons: I'm working on specific Dragonknight weaponry. What I want to see is that we're able to be effective in a line fight, with towers, spears, reds, and arrows. Or, while skirmishing, with 24-30" shields, min reds, and dual wielding. So, I want to see Dragonknights to have their own bows, arrows, heaters, spears, reds, swords, rocks, javelins, etc. Stick to your strengths at first, of course, while working on your weaknesses. There should be absolutely NO reason that we couldn't have every Dragonknight fire their arrows, then join the line. OR have archers behind our line of shields and spears, while a couple of squads break off and harass the edges of the field to draw their attention, or to roll behind the opposite line. OR to split up into multiple 4 man squads assigned to certain parts of the field, etc etc etc.

-Garb: I'm also working on uniforms, so to speak. Any suggestions are welcome, and this is what I'm thinking of at the moment.

Tunic: Black

Pants: Black

Footwear: Boots, brown or black

Leg wraps: Brown

Surcoat/riding tunic:
Base color=Red
Chest=Unit Symbol
Leg panels=Personal symbols, special symbols (for accomplishments, titles, etc), embellisments, rank patch

Trim on pants (per rank):

Recruit/Hatchling/Fledgling/Wyrmling= No trim;
Dragonknight=Gold trim;
Dragontamer/Dragonrider=Silver Trim;
Dragonmaster=White Trim

Trim on tunic:

Recruit/Hatchling/Fledgling/Wyrmling= No trim;
Dragonknight=Gold trim around neckhole;
Dragontamer=Silver trim around neckhole;
Dragonrider= Silver trim around neckhole, edges of sleeves, bottom of tunic
Dragonmaster=White trim around neck, edges of sleeves, white dragon wrapped around bottom of tunic (tail wrapped around, body centered in the front of the tunic's bottom)

-Unit practices, Build days, etc: We've been REALLY lax lately on having unit practices, build sessions (for character, weapons, and garb), and also working towards each other's ranks. We seriously need to apply ourselves. We're supposed to be the best that Midgar has to offer, and yet I can assure you that the entire unit wouldn't be able to stand toe to toe with Alterra's elite. Not much of rivals, are we? And guess what? They know it.

-Positions: We have a Loremaster, we still need a Battlemaster. If you don't know what the positions are, look around here. You'll find it.

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Ormr the Rogue

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-10-27

Unit Meeting-5/15/2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unit Meeting-5/15/2011   Unit Meeting-5/15/2011 Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 7:42 pm

If my fellow dragonknights and dragonwalker will accept me I would accept the position of battle master
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

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PostSubject: Re: Unit Meeting-5/15/2011   Unit Meeting-5/15/2011 Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 6:41 am

Ormr: Have you already looked over the details of the position? Make sure you do that before anything else. EDIT: Heh. I guess I never actually typed up the specific responsibilities of the positions. D'oh. Get with me, I'll explain em.

Also, we're not "The Dragonknights of Midgar". We're "Dragonknights" or "The Dragonknights". Obviously, since we're based in Midgar, we're "The Dragonknights of Midgar", so the name itself doesn't need to have the "of Midgar". Otherwise, we're "The Dragonknights of Midgar, from Midgar". Which, btw, I kept saying at Gates, and people kept looking at me funny and saying "We got that. Cuz you're of Midgar."

So yeah. We're simply Dragonknights. Forgot to put that into the meeting minutes.
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Ormr the Rogue

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-10-27

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PostSubject: Re: Unit Meeting-5/15/2011   Unit Meeting-5/15/2011 Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 10:22 am

Shoot me a pm of the responsibilities please dragonalker
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PostSubject: Re: Unit Meeting-5/15/2011   Unit Meeting-5/15/2011 Icon_minitime

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