Here can be found the Constitution and Laws of the Realm of Midgar. These Laws are absolute and are to be followed by the Members of the Realm.
1. -Realm Members-
1.1 Joining the Realm of Midgar is simply expressing the interest to be a member, whether that interest is expressed on the forums or in person. Members of interrealm units have the option of becoming realm members, and members of other realms can become Honorary realm members.
1.2 Realm members have the following rights:
1.2.1 Right to vote
1.2.2 Right to create and join realm guilds
1.2.3 Right to create and join units
1.2.4 Right unseat officers by majority vote
1.2.5 Right to use of Midgar's armory
1.3 Honorary realm members have the following rights:
1.3.1 Right to vote
1.3.2 Right to join realm guilds and units
1.3.3 Right to unseat officers by majority vote
1.3.4 Right to use of Midgar's armory
2. -Units-
2.1 Units can be started by anyone who wants to create a unit.
2.2 Units are open to everyone.
2.3 Units must practice at least once a week; this includes any realm practices/battles.
2.3.1 Units can practices more than once a week.
2.3.2 Realm members are encouraged to attend all unit practices and realm battles.
2.4 Units can create unit symbol(s), flags, garb, and forums.
2.4.1 Anything created by an individual belongs to the individual.
2.4.2 Anything created specifically for the unit belongs to the unit.
2.4.3 Anything created for the unit is taken care of by the unit leader or battlemaster.
2.4.4 Unit forums are governed by the same rules that realm forums are.
2.5 Units can have any number of members, as long as there are a minimum of three (3) positions:
Unit Leader- leads the unit at realm battles and unit battles atnational events, as well as organizes unit battles, collects money fornational events and realm battles, and organizes feasts, etc.
Loremaster- compiles all the lore of the unit and it's members. This includes all RP adventures in the tavern, the backstory of the member(s), backstory of the unit (if any), and any lore that the loremaster, unit members, unit leader, or battlemaster come up with.
Battlemaster- governs weapon checks, unit weapons, battle scenarios, and specialized training for the unit.
2.5.1 A unit will not be formally recognized if there is not at least a unit leader, loremaster, and battlemaster. Other positions can be created to assist those three positions.
**Special Case: When a unit has less than three (3) members, this rule does not apply.
2.5.2 A unit can have a healer. This position is not required, but is encouraged.
2.6 A unit can create ranks of it's own making, as long as they are in good taste and make some semblance of sense. For example, please refrain from any ranks that end or begin with Douche. However, Dickery IS allowed (i.e. Lord of Cheese Dickery)
3. -Ranks and Titles-
3.1 Ranks are unit-based, titles are realm-based. However, your rank is recognized by the realm.
**Special Case: There are not any realm titles at the presenttime. If you have suggestions, please post your suggestions in the Ideas/Suggestions forum.
3.2 Titles can only be created by realm officials. Suggestions and additions of titles can be presented to the officials by active realm members.
3.2.1 Ranks can only be created by unit leaders. Suggestions for ranks and additions to ranks can be presented to unit leaders by active unit members.
3.3 When creating or suggesting ranks and titles, please refer to Rule 2.6
4. -Guilds-
4.1 All guilds that are for the benefit of the realm, it's members, and Dagorhir as a whole.
4.2 Guilds are led by the guildmaster.
4.2.1 If there is not a guildmaster yet, a representative of the guildwill be appointed until there are enough guild members to hold an election.
4.3 Realm members may join any and all guilds, as long as they meet the requirements.
4.4 Any goods or services rendered by members must be fairly priced, and CANNOT be overpriced.
**Note:If anyone tries to sell a dagger for $50, it's overpriced. Doesn'tmatter how much time, plastidip, or blood was used to make it, a DAGGERIS NOT WORTH $50. Use your head, do YOU want to buy a dagger for $50?
-Types of Guilds-
4.5 There are three (3) types of guilds: Realm, Unit, and Fighter.
4.6 Realm guilds are open guilds.
4.7 Unit and Fighter are exclusionary, or closed, guilds.
4.7.1 Unit guilds are created by and for unit members only.
4.7.2 Fighter Guilds are dedicated to a specific fighting style, the creation of weapons and equipment for that style, and the explorationand development of one's skills in that area...nothing more.
4.7.3 Fighter Guilds cannot be created by a unit, nor can be created by a realm member. However, realm members can make suggestions for the creation of new Fighter Guilds.
-Open Guilds-
4.8 Open guilds are open to all realm members.
4.9 Open guilds cannot turn away applicants, but may eject members for dishonorable conduct.
-Exclusionary/Closed Guilds-
4.10 Exclusionary guilds are open to members who meet specific requirements.
4.11 Exclusionary guilds have the right to turn away realm members who do not meet specific requirements, and can eject members for dishonorableconduct.
4.12 Some exclusionary guilds are for unit members only, but operate the same as realm guilds otherwise.
-Creating Guilds-
4.13 When creating a guild, please notify the forum/realm administrators so that they may add it to the forums. If creating your own forum, please notify them so that they may add a link to the forums for ease of access.
4.14 Remember that ALL guilds are for the betterment of the realm, it's members, and Dagorhir as a whole.
4.15 Keep the name in good taste. Other languages are allowed, as long as a translation is provided.
4.16 No guild can be created that is closed to EVERYONE except for who you like.
4.16.1 If you really want your own little club, make your own realm. Seriously. Don't be a prick.
5. -Junior Dagorhir League-
5.1 The Junior League of Midgar is open to fighters from the age of 9-13.
5.1.1 Fighters younger than 9 can fight as well, but on a case by case basis. The decision to allow them to fight will be between the parent and the realm officials.
5.1.2 Upon reaching 14 years of age, the fighter(s) will be tested in their knowledge of the rules and their combat prowess.
5.1.3 If they pass the test, they will graduate from the Junior League.
5.1.4 If the test is failed, they can take the test every 3 months until they turn 15.
5.1.5 Upon turning 15 years of age, the fighter will automatically graduate from the Junior League.
5.2 The JLM is subject to the laws of the realm. Because of this, the JLM can have units and guilds of it's own, as well as officials among the older fighters.
5.2.1 The JLM is subject to the officials of the realm.
5.3 For a fighter to participate and be a member in the JLM, a waiver must be signed by fighter and parent, and a parent must be present at a minimum of one (1) practice a month. Both parents are welcome at practice each week, and encouraged to come.
5.3.1 In the case that the parent(s) are fighters as well, they are encouraged to work with their children and the rest of the JLM on techniques, tactics, and the like.
6. -Midgar Officials-
6.1 The realm officials are the President, Vice President, Bookkeeper, Weaponmaster, and Council Members
6.2 Duties of the President: Staying up to date on the official Dagorhir rules, events and statuses of realms in Dagorhir (especially neighboring realms), enforcing the laws and rules of the realm, and public relations (i.e. speaking with potential recruits and their parents, other realms, etc), and keeping track of practices, as well as setting up and cancelling practices.
6.3 Powers of the President: Calling realm meetings, appointing and removing Council Members and Weaponmaster, setting up and cancelling practices, meting out punishment for dishonourable conduct as per the Manual of Arm (i.e. "grounding" fighters from practice or fighting, handing out warnings, asking fighters to leave the field, practice, or realm due to EXTREME cases of conduct that reflects poorly on Dagorhir as a whole).
-Vice President-
6.4 Duties of the Vice President: Staying up to date on the official Dagorhir rules, events and statuses of realms in Dagorhir (especially neighboring realms), enforcing the laws and rules of the realm, and public relations (i.e. speaking with potential recruits and their parents, other realms, etc), and keeping track of practices. The VP's main duty is assisting the President in any way possible.
6.5 Powers of the Vice President: Calling realm meetings, meting out punishment for dishonourable conduct as per the Manual of Arm (i.e. "grounding" fighters from practice or fighting, handing out warnings, asking fighters to leave the field, practice, or realm due to EXTREME cases of conduct that reflects poorly on Dagorhir as a whole). All of the powers of the President can be transferred or utilized to the Vice President with the approval of the President, but can only be kept by the VP if the President transfers power and then steps down permanently.
6.6 Duties of the Weaponmaster: Setting up and teaching classes on weaponsmithing and fighting, caring for the realm armory, and running practices and weapon checks.
6.7 Powers of the Weaponmaster: Handing out punishment for disorderly conduct on the field during practices, banning fighters from use of weaponry if injuries are involved, banning weapons from the field if unsafe/injuries are involved, setting up and cancelling extra practice times/class times.
6.8 Duties of the Bookkeeper: Keeping track of monetary records, event fees, waivers, and rosters.
-Council Members-
6.9 Duties of the Council Members: Members of the Council are meant to assist the realm and the President in any way possible, and can fill any official position needed. As such, the duties of the Council Members are that of the position they are filling, asked to fill, or asked to assist.
6.10 Powers of the Council Members: Members of the Council are meant to assist the realm and the President in any way possible, and as such their powers are the same as the position that they are filling, asked to fill, or asked to assist.
6.11 At any given time there can be only one (1) President, one (1) Vice President, one (1) Bookkeeper, one (1) Weaponmaster, and three (3) Council Members. Council Members and Weaponmasters can have assistants/trainees, but they do not have the powers of the CM's or WM's.
6.12 Candidates for President and Bookkeeper must be at least 18 years of age and a member of the realm. All other positions may be filled by realm members of any age over the age of 14.