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 The War For Midgar.

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Kroix Altergot

Kroix Altergot

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 5:01 pm

Early One Morning, Croix Altergot Lead An Army Of Minions To The Home Of The Dragonknights. As The Sun Started To Rise, The Army Saw The Town From The Hilltop, Croix Looked Back At The Army And Yelled; "CHARGE!" The Army Ran Forward And Invaded The Town. The Minions Started To Kill The Dragonknights, And The Dragonknights Started To Kill Them. Soon Buildings Were On Fire And Pesants Stared To Get Killed. Croix Was Picking Off The Stronger Dragonknights, One By One. As He Cut Their Libs Off, And Stole Their Souls, More And More Dragonknights Just Kept Coming.

[(Someone Preferably A Dragonknight Post Next.)]
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 6:29 pm

Aodhfin, leader of the Dragonknights, waited at the top of a rise behind the town. His armor was black as night and seemed to seep blood from the Chaos runes that crawled and glowed across the surface, and his shield and sword were safely secured to his back. He knew that the Shadowknights sought war, and had anticipated their attack. He had fitted many of the local militia with the tabards and armor of the Dragonknights, and now watched as the townspeople were slaughtered. Signalling to his horde of warriors, he sent the mountain goblins and wolf men in first, and grinned toothily as they charged with bloodlust, howling and screaming in their rage. He looked to his left, signalling for the archers to make ready. If the Shadows wanted a war......they now had one.
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Kroix Altergot

Kroix Altergot

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 5:01 pm

Croix Saw The Goblins And WolfMen Charging Towards Him, He Knew It Wasent Going To Be An Eay Fight. He Turnd To His Minions And Yelled For Their Attention. He Pointed In Front Of Him To Signal The Minions To Charge Towards The Army Of Goblins And WolfMen. As They Charged He Looked Up To See Aodhfin Staring Down At Him, He Just Stared At Him For A Second Then Joined The Charge. When The To Groups Clashed Their Were The Sounds Of Screams And Weapons Clashing, Croix Then Looked For The Biggest Wolfman He Could See, The Wolfman Was Already Distracted By A Group Of Ghouls. Croix Charged For The WolfMan, As He Got To The Wolfman He Slached Him Straight Across The Back, As Soon As He Did The Wolfman Turned Around And Elbow Bashed Croix In The Head, Knocking Him Out, And Causing Him To Fly Back At Least Ten Feet. He Awoke Later To Find Piles Of Dragonknight And Shadowknight Corpses, The Battle Was Nearing Its End, He Was Suprised A Dragonknight Didnt Kill Him While He Was Unconcious.
He Stood Up And Drew His Sword, And His Sheild. He Looked Around To Find Aodhfin Had Joined The Battle.

(Should We Start Over?)

((Nah. I think I fixed it so that way the story can actually progress. Gage, if you're reading this, you're still more than welcome to jump in here and post. But think more like actual battle, and not anime.))

((You May Proceed Aodhfin))
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 5:23 pm

The Dragonwalker saw that the goblins and wolfmen were faltering against the shadow minions, and so signaled to the archer-commander.

"LOOSE!", he cried, and a rain of death fell upon allies and foes alike. The main body of Dragonknights swept down from the rise, following close on the volley of arrows, and smashed into the shadows that still stood. The sound of metal clashing reverberated across the field of battle, and both Dragonknight and Shadowknight fell. Aodhfin, seeing that his warriors were poorly outnumbered, split his remaining forces into three squads, each 20 men strong, and sent two of them to flank the shadows. He himself drove straight towards the center of the battle.

As Aodhfin charged into the battle, he noticed Croix rising and drawing his sword and shield, and veered off from his men. He lashed out at the leader of the Shadowknights, black flame exploding from his blade as their weapons met. Shield and sword flew, clanging and clashing over and over again as the two warriors battled.
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gage lamb

gage lamb

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 5:52 pm

croix declared to the butcher take contol of the rest of our troops the butcher knoded his head in agrement.gage noticed that the dragon knights numberd had lower greatly.gage figured out aodfins plan and turned around and declared a sheild way be made in each direction except north.gage and a group of soldgers gage favored ran out and the group of soldgers were aproximently 150 warrior strong as the screams of the warriors rang through everyones ears.the battel went on and all who was left was croix gage aodfin and a mysteris warrior with a sword on the dragon knights side

(aodfin the one thats left must be a dragon knight in the realm)
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Kroix Altergot

Kroix Altergot

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 5:53 pm

As Their Weapons Were Clashing, Croix Started To Think,He Knew He Could Not Take Aodhfin Down Easily. So He Switched From Stratigetic, To Brute Force. He Lifted His Sheild And Began Bashing Aodhfin, Trying To Knock Him To The Ground. He Could Hear The Last Dragonknights And Shadowknights Fighting He Saw Archers Kill Of Most Of The Shadowknights,He Then Knew What He Had To Do, He Kicked Aodfin To The Ground, But Somthing Inside Croix Knew This Was Not The Time To End It, He Turned To His Minions And Ordered Them To Retreat. As The Shadowknights Ran The Dragonknights All Sighed With Relief That The Battle Was Over.

((I Guess That Wraps It Up)) [Dragonknights - 1 Shadowknights - 0]

((P.S Gage I Meant To Post Before You And Now Pepole Will Be Confused When They Read This Cuz Our Posts Together Dont Make Sense LOL rabbit )) ((But There Will Be A Part 2 To The War))

Last edited by Croix Altergot on Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
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gage lamb

gage lamb

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The War For Midgar. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 6:07 pm

as the first battel ended with athe dragon winning the next one was about to begin after a few months of regaining what the shadows and the dragons lost a new battle was about to break lose

(OoC more will be revialed in time)
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PostSubject: Re: The War For Midgar.   The War For Midgar. Icon_minitime

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