The Realm of Midgar
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The Realm of Midgar

A New Realm Rises from the Ashes of the Past....
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

PostSubject: NEW PRACTICE SITE   NEW PRACTICE SITE Icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 12:48 pm

Midgar practices will now be held at Kidspace Park in Shawnee, OK. Kidspace Park is located on the corner of Wayne and Center, two blocks east of Harrison. There is ample room for practices and realm battles, trees in the back part of the park, bathrooms close by, a water fountain, a pavilion, a skate park, and also a fort/playplace for children and possible castle battles. We had the last practice on the 23rd there, due to the veteran's Moving Wall being at Woodland Park, and there were a lot of young kids there that were interested in Dagorhir, as well as some older ones. Practice will still be the same time and day, Sundays from 2-5, but that may change if members cannot make that time but can make another time instead.,+shawnee,+ok&sll=35.370575,-96.929626&sspn=0.263716,0.617294&ie=UTF8&ll=35.340667,-96.907697&spn=0.008244,0.01929&t=h&z=16

When looking at the satellite imagery, you can see the park at the corner of Wayne and Center, with the large parking lot with drives heading out either side.
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