The Realm of Midgar
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The Realm of Midgar

A New Realm Rises from the Ashes of the Past....
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 the orc invasion rp

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gage lamb

gage lamb

Posts : 134
Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 28
Location : shawnee

the orc invasion rp Empty
PostSubject: the orc invasion rp   the orc invasion rp Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 4:51 am

setting in a small kingdom called midgar a orc army begins to make a assalt

the butcher walks into a tavern and says a orc army will be here soon who will be dumb enough to stay above grond and do a head to head attack against a whole army of orcs or head below were i will be stragizing a sneak and stealth attack who wants to join me gather up all the rations and weapons you can find.
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