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 OOC: The War for Midgar

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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OOC: The War for Midgar Empty
PostSubject: OOC: The War for Midgar   OOC: The War for Midgar Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 10:28 pm

Gage. Croix. This is for you.

Guys, seriously, wtf? Roleplay is not anime. It's a lot like DnD: there is not ultimate move that will destroy everything in sight. There is no "Omg, Ima Firin Mah Lazor BLARRGGGGH" or anything like that. Here's a rundown, to try and give you guys and idea of what I'm talking about.

Aodhfin (my character/persona) on the field is a warrior, nothing else. I have a backstory, yes, and it has ties to magic and such, but my character has drawn away from that by sacrificing magic for augmented natural abilities by serving the Blood God, Khorne (one of the Chaos Gods from Warhammer). My character wears basically what I'm working towards having for my kit, which is black plate armor, dragon skull helm, all of which are covered with Chaos runes and what looks like blood seeping from the armor. Standard sword and shield, which is what I use on the field, and I also sometimes RP using an 8 ft zanbato (polearm, 4 ft handle and 4 ft of blade). I can "shift" into half dragon or full dragon form, but it comes at a cost of going into a rage until I shift back to human form (half dragon I can control, full I cannot). Hence why I plan ahead, and not send valued allies into battle if I plan on using it. Course, since it's a last ditch effort type of thing, I can't predict someone else's ace of spades, so my allies might die anyways if it comes to it.

Croix, you started off pretty well. Army of minions, butchering people. Yes, my counter was that you were killing militiamen that looked like Dragonknights, but you still killed good fighters that could have helped me. So no imbalance there.

Gage. Wtf dude. You killed a vanguard of goblins and werewolves? On your own? With a single axe? How the fuck did you manage that? Even an ogre would have trouble with that many, and it's like trying to kill a mountain. That's like taking on 3000 critters at once. Seriously. Over. Powered.

That kind of stuff can kill an RP fast, especially if you keep going with it. For example, saying that you're now an unstoppable fighting machine that's more powerful then you're own leader, all his minions, your opponent, and all of his minions. How do you know that I don't have an ace up my sleeve for that? How do you know I don't have a platoon of priests that could wipe you off the face of the earth, then erase every trace of your evil soul from universe so you can't take another body? How do you know that you can kill a dragon in one hit?

Think, plan, strategise. It's not WoW guys. Read up on DnD and other tabletop RPG's, and take a look at some of the RP's on the Dag boards. I may make myself out to be a badass, but I still have limits.
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Kroix Altergot

Kroix Altergot

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OOC: The War for Midgar Empty
PostSubject: Re: OOC: The War for Midgar   OOC: The War for Midgar Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 4:34 pm

I Just Wanted To Have Fun With A War RP I Wasent Trying To Over-Do It....
I Was About To Post Agian Until I Saw This....
And No Offence To You Gage But I Didnt Understand The Goblin Stuff....I Was Meaning To Keep It To Dragons VS Shadows.
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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OOC: The War for Midgar Empty
PostSubject: Re: OOC: The War for Midgar   OOC: The War for Midgar Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 4:39 pm

Croix, you weren't overdoing it. That's my point.
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gage lamb

gage lamb

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OOC: The War for Midgar Empty
PostSubject: Re: OOC: The War for Midgar   OOC: The War for Midgar Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 5:57 pm

srry bout that ill try to keep it more to the war and rp aspects
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Kroix Altergot

Kroix Altergot

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OOC: The War for Midgar Empty
PostSubject: Re: OOC: The War for Midgar   OOC: The War for Midgar Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 6:37 pm

Aodhfin Dragonwalker wrote:
Croix, you weren't overdoing it. That's my point.
I Read It Wrong Lol
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PostSubject: Re: OOC: The War for Midgar   OOC: The War for Midgar Icon_minitime

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