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 Laws of Midgar Discussion

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PostSubject: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:33 am

As it pertains to the topic "Laws of Midgar" I thought I would bring up a discussion for any disputes or possible future amendments.
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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:41 am

If you duck down and cause me to hit you in the head when normally I would not have, it's your fault, B*** Me.

I should not be held to hold back and fight at half-speed so that I dont hit anyone in the head in any battle such as tournaments and any other important battle types.

I dont really care about headshots, it's throat shots that are more dangerous. It is only a rule for no headshots due to the neck so that people try and avoid that area as a whole.

Quote :
3. There is no such thing as hitting too hard, unless you are repeatedly breaking bones. This is not supposed to happen though, as a safe Dagorhir weapon should not bruise, break bones, or seriously injure someone when using a full strength swing.

If I dont have to worry about holding shots back so that I dont hurt someone, why should I fight sloppy and avoid all the high shots because my sword bounces or the person I'm fighting is retarded?
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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 9:49 am

I'm about the fight, implementing rules that subtracts properties from the fight is lame. I plan to finish the fight whether I get hit in the head or not, I dont want a free win.

I understand the whole rule in terms of trying to make people fight better and do headshots less, but if I need to come in and Zyggzagg the place up and block wih my head, I can.

Winning a fight should simply be about who has the talent to kill his opponent, not omg you hit me in the head.

I'll do the push ups, and I'll remember to, but **** taking the death
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 10:08 am

Ahnz, respectfully, shut up. You don't block with your head anyways, and there's no one in Midgar who still does. This is a rule that's been around since Midgar started, remember? That's why it's there in the laws. You don't want to take a death? Ok. So do the pushups afterwards. Not a big deal. Hell, I haven't seen you hit anyone in the head or throat (yes, the throat counts as part of the headshot rule) for a very long time. They don't happen much at all anymore, and if they do, they're from people blocking them into their heads (normally newer guys). This rule is specifically for Midgarians who have serious issues with hitting others in the head while fighting, due to being new or just untrained/inexperienced/think they can get away with it for a free kill shot. That's what it's for.

Don't rules lawyer me right now* on my own rule that you don't even break or bend. Fight, damn you, and don't worry about it. This is all stuff that's been around since the beginning, for specific reasons, so don't worry about it. If it makes you feel better, I'll clarify the rule more later on today.

*Bad. F-ing. Week. Seriously.
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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 1:04 pm

Sorry about the week
and that I'm a mean troll
and what i said....

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 1:35 pm


Ahnz, we deal with you because we love you. True story. In short: It's all right brudda. Just fight as always, and remember to take your hits. You rhinohiding nightmare you. Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 1:38 pm

Aodhfin Dragonwalker wrote:
remember to take your hits. You rhinohiding nightmare you. Razz

you are just jealous of my shield and armor, it makes The Ahnz hard to hit/kill

and for the love of god, when we fought the group of newbies the other week, i honestly never felt any of the times I got hit in the back, idk what the deal was, but I would just ask and if the guy said yes, I just took it. Gotta keep the newbies around so i can beat them down more.
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 1:48 pm

What in Alterra? They just need to hit harder than a senile grandfather that's missing his eyes, one arm, both his legs, and can't move because of a disease of some kind. If they can't do that, then they fail.
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PostSubject: Re: Laws of Midgar Discussion   Laws of Midgar Discussion Icon_minitime

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