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 Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light Empty
PostSubject: Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light   Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light Icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 11:31 am

Brothers and sisters of Midgar, battle approaches! Alterran soil will be ventured upon once more to fight against and alongside warriors from many lands, including Alterra, Guilder, and others! Hoist the shields and swords, and march with me to the Festival of the First Light, and let us fight and die gloriously!

~The Dragonwalker~

(Info so far from the Alterran boards, courtesy of Alexander Vedette)

Ludi Primae Lucis IV
(Festival of the First Light)
When: May, 29th 2010
Where: Hafer Park, Edmond, OK
Host: Alterra
Type: Regional Inter-Realm Day Battle
Cost: $5
Garb: Required
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light   Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light Icon_minitimeThu May 13, 2010 8:45 am

Ludi Primae Lucis IV
(Festival of the First Light)
When: May, 29th 2010
Where: Hafer Park, Edmond, OK
Host: Alterra
Type: Regional Inter-Realm Day Battle
Cost: $5
Garb: Required
Time: 1-6, Troll opens at 11:30

If anyone wants to carpool with me (I'll have anywhere from 2-4 seats open), let me know. Also, I suggest caravan to the event, in which case, I would say meet at Kidspace at 10 am that morning. Don't worry, I'll discuss it at practice this Sunday too.
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Ludi Primae Lucis, the Festival of the First Light
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