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 time to build anew

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Lucius Sulla

Lucius Sulla

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PostSubject: time to build anew   time to build  anew Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 1:10 am

ok after thought I am planning on ditching my black shield and building a new one same configuration just a little inner construction to make it more durable and flexible enough to be wielded with a more fluid motion
so thoughts on this
time to build  anew Bluecopy

pros and cons please....
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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PostSubject: Re: time to build anew   time to build  anew Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 4:16 am

Only con I can really see is that with the second design, it will end up angled when held upright. Doing so may or may not open up your shoulder/upper torso. If you could combine strap design and center placement from B with the horizontal placement of A, it might work better. Definitely experiment with different ways to attach the straps. Maybe cut slots in the core, smooth them out with sanding and duct tape, and then screw them in if you think they need the added support? It might help with the "shield breaking" problem you've had in the past.
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Lucius Sulla

Lucius Sulla

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PostSubject: Re: time to build anew   time to build  anew Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2009 9:07 am

my problem with my straps is the material I am using,as the straps break I am replacing them with stronger material
the upgrade is incorporating 1x2 like in my punisher shield with the straps attached to the back,its worked well as I replaced the straps on that particular shield .

as far as the angle,I am debating that style as I have seen a lot of shields using that while doing research on my own design.
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Lucius Sulla

Lucius Sulla

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PostSubject: Re: time to build anew   time to build  anew Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 6:48 pm

ok found out that attaching the leather to the rear is ungood,the strap brace acts as a shear when hit with force and severs the strap,reattached with newer material and try again next week
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PostSubject: Re: time to build anew   time to build  anew Icon_minitime

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