The Realm of Midgar
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A New Realm Rises from the Ashes of the Past....
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 The Writings of a Dragonknight

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

The Writings of a Dragonknight Empty
PostSubject: The Writings of a Dragonknight   The Writings of a Dragonknight Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2009 9:29 am

~December 23rd~

We prepared for invasion, hearing tell of some who had heard of the portals to "a New World". I suppose we should count ourselves fortunate, as they did not come. I had hoped they would though, as did others like me: my fellow Dragonknights, as well as others outside our ranks. We had all prepared, and then been left.....disappointed. Ah, but that is the nature of things I suppose. Not everything happens the way you would hope. Soon after, four of our number left Midgar, stumbling through a portal to another world....perhaps theirs, if they are so lucky. Perchance we shall see them again.
I've been in this land for several years now, fighting, training, and protecting. My comrades have grown and dwindled time and again, but I know in my heart that they will stand with me in defense of the realm that home. I have watched as those that I count as my brethren (regardless of their membership within the Dragonknights) have grown in strength and wisdom. I shall list their names for you, for they fight and train with honor, and I am proud of them. As a master and his pupils, or a father and his sons; I am proud of them. They are these:

Raalcor, the Warborn


Kreig Earthfury



Seth Hunter




Rok Dagrendasch




There are others that I may have forgotten, as we are many. To keep morale and our wits about us, we had a small tournament, just to have some fun and fellowship within our ranks. It went well I hope, and all of us have made marked improvement since each of us first found our way here, to Tizona. And so I leave you for now, to write again when there is more to be added to my writings.

~Aodhfin Arach Cara Duinn An Ithir, leader of the Dragonknights~

~May 6th~

We found the portal that was almost the source of invasion, and a small group of warriors, led by myself, journeyed forth. What we found.....was a surprise, even for me. The portal led back to Alterra, my first home. We were given a warm welcome, and invited to join in one of their wargames known as the War of the Roses. We all fought valiantly, and many victories and defeats were seen that day. Many new allies were made, and old ones reinforced. Months have passed since then, and we have recieved word that an invasion of Alterra is being planned.....their enemies have decided to attack them during their anniversary festival, the Festival of the First Light. And so we prepare for battle, to fight with the Alterrans and aid them if need be.

Meanwhile, we have problems of our own. It has been a year since we heard any stirring from the self proclaimed Lich King or his brothers, or even his minions. The Elementals have calmed, as we were able to cleanse the demon possessed greenskins and slay the Demon Prince. But trouble is brewing.....there is talk of an old legend, the Four Horsemen, that may very well be true. It is said that each year, Four Horsemen are chosen to bring an end to all unless they are defeated in battle. Moreover, there are rumors that the Lich King is indeed coming back, but we shall have to see.

Only time will tell.

~Aodhfin, the Dragonwalker~
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