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 Rides to Rag!

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Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Rides to Rag!   Rides to Rag! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 18, 2009 8:03 pm

Alright, I know it's still a little early to be planning rides to Rag, but better sooner than later, right? Most times we go in small groups and end up paying a couple hundred just for gas to get to Rag and back. This is even more true with Rag moving further away.

Now, here's the point of this post. Kye's mother is a bus driver. She has worked it out with her boss that we can rent a bus with cargo space and room for 70 people to take to Rag! Along with a discount if Kye's mother drives, which she has offered to. The trip would run roughly 13 hours from Warrensburg. The cost would be 55 dollars and hours. Crunching the numbers that comes out to 2860. Now, that's quite a lot of money. However, with just twenty people riding that becomes 143 each, at thirty it's 95.33 dollars, 40 people is 71.50 dollars, 50 is 57.20 dollars and so on. Obviously, the more people we have, the better the deal gets. This isn't including the discount from Kye's mother doing the driving. (When I know what that discount equals, I'll let you know). I feel that this could be an exciting and convenient opportunity for the midwest chapters to charter a bus for much less per person than what the ride to rag might normally cost.


Please think about it and give feedback. There is still plenty of time till Ragnarok to make this a convenient trip for everyone.
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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Rides to Rag!   Rides to Rag! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 18, 2009 9:48 pm

I would love to send our fighters to Rag...we'll have to see how things go. I know I probably won't be there, though I wanna.
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Lucius Sulla

Lucius Sulla

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PostSubject: Re: Rides to Rag!   Rides to Rag! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 18, 2009 10:16 pm

need time and date so I can schedule staff and I will probably commit unless it conflicts with my vacation,which is sometime end of January mid February going to Jamaica and Rag be damned Ima get my rasta on.

Ninja edit**
June I think I can do but I won't plan because plans go to shite when planned therefore with me it will be by may before I can completely commitRides to Rag! Emot-bandwagon
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PostSubject: Re: Rides to Rag!   Rides to Rag! Icon_minitime

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