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 Weaponry of the Dragonknights

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Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

Weaponry of the Dragonknights Empty
PostSubject: Weaponry of the Dragonknights   Weaponry of the Dragonknights Icon_minitimeFri Sep 25, 2009 1:27 pm

The trademark weaponry of the Dragonknight is, can, and will be whatever the Dragonknight chooses to use. Skirmishers, archers, spear/pikeman, shieldmen, berserkers, and duelists are welcome. However, all Dragonknights are required to be proficient with multiple weapons and weapon sets, so that every man and woman can be the best warrior that they can. Dragonknights are also required to own and be proficient with shields, which will be explained later.

Double Edged Longsword- Minimum Required Dimensions
Overall Length: 30"
Thickness: 1.25"
Width: 3"
Tip (Stabbing): 2"
Tip (Non-Stabbing): 2.5"
Pommel: 2"

Single Edged Longsword (Saber/Katana/etc)-MRD
Overall Length: 30"
Thickness: 1.25"
Width: 2.5"
Tip (Stabbing): 2"
Tip (Non-Stabbing): 2.5"
Pommel: 2"

Overall Length: 48"
Tip: 2.5"
Pommel: 2"

All shield types are accepted (kite, tower, round, modified
round, etc) as long as the Dragonknight owns and is proficient with the
standard shield. This is because phalanxes, shield walls, and
shield runs will be part of the Dragonknights training. All weaponry, shields, and armor will bear the personal seal of the Dragonknight that it belongs to. Each seal should incorporate the Dragonknight symbol and something that identifies the Dragonknight. The Dragonknight symbol will be posted soon.

At the fighter's request, a Dragonshield will be constructed for them. Each shield is 12" wide by 20" tall, coreless, and a punch shield. Each one will be made different, and will have a specific characteristic that will give the wielder their namesake.
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