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 Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction

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2 posters
Aodhfin Dragonwalker
Aodhfin Dragonwalker

Posts : 930
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 36
Location : Tecumseh, OK

Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction Empty
PostSubject: Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction   Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2009 10:12 am

There will be a construction class this Saturday, September 26th, at Kidspace Park, from 6:30 PM til whenever we're done or it gets dark. The construction class will be covering the common materials used by Dagorhirrim in foamsmithing and basic foamsmithing techniques used to create a 32"-36" sword and a 4'-5' javelin. Here is the material list needed for the class:

Normal Longsword construction: 1 5' 1/2" pvc pipe for core (Lowes $0.87)
1 Roll of blue camp pad closed cell foam (WalMart $5.88)
1 Roll of duct tape (WalMart $1.99)
2 1/2" pvc caps (Lowes $1.00)
Total cost : Aprox. $10.00

Normal Javelin construction: 1 Funnoodle (WalMart $1.97)
1 5' 1/2" pvc pipe for core (Lowes $0.87)
1 1/2" open cell foam pipe insulation ($3.87)
1 Roll of Duct Tape (WalMart $1.99)
2 1/2" pvc caps (Lowes $1.00)
Total cost : Aprox. $10.00

If you have any experience with foamsmithing, and can substitute different materials (such as evalite, fiberglass cores, etc), your are more than welcome to. Also, if you cannot afford the materials, you can still attend the class and learn.
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Posts : 60
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 49
Location : Shawnee, OK

Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction Empty
PostSubject: Oops   Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 8:54 pm

Oops, sorry Aodhfin, when I gave you that list I forgot to add long socks / dance tights to the materials lists to make the weapons cloth covered. You can find both of these at WalMart for roughly $3 - $4 for a package.
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Construction Class: Basic Sword and Javelin Construction
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