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 The Weaponsmiths Guild: Rules and Guidelines

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Posts : 114
Join date : 2009-08-04
Age : 34

The Weaponsmiths Guild: Rules and Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: The Weaponsmiths Guild: Rules and Guidelines   The Weaponsmiths Guild: Rules and Guidelines Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 2:09 pm

The Rules to becoming a Weapon Smith:

1. You must be a participating member of Midgar.

2. All weapons, to count for your guild rank, must pass a strict safety check and be used in battle.

3. All Weapon smith hopefuls must attend at least one guild sponsored weapons construction class before they will be allowed into the guild.

4. All Weapon smiths will be expected to share their knowledge with the rest of the guild.

5. An Expert Weapon Smith may promote any deserving member as far as Craftsman Weapon Smith.

6. A Master Weapon Smith may promote any deserving member as far as Expert Weapon Smith.

7. A majority vote of the Master Weapon Smiths may promote any deserving member to Master Weapon Smith.

8. Ranking requirements:

a) Beginner Weapon Smith: Must construct at least one weapon of any
type. (A barrel mace is suggested for new members)

b) Weapon Smith: Must construct at least 2 short swords, and one great sword.

c) Journeyman Weapon Smith: Must construct at least 2 short swords, one great sword, one mace, and one flail. They must host one weapons construction class.

d) Craftsman Weapon Smith: Must construct at least 2 short swords, one great sword, one mace, and one flail, one glaive, one spear, one shield and one airborne weapon. They must host 2 weapons construction classes.

e) Expert Weapon Smith: Must construct at least 2 short swords, 2 great swords, one mace, and one flail, one glaive, one great mace, one spear, one shield, one arrow, one rock, one javelin, one dagger, one axe, and one loaner weapon for the realm. They must host 3 weapons construction classes.

f) Master Weapon Smith: Must construct at least 2 daggers, 2 short swords, 2 short axes, 2 short maces, 2 flails, 2 great swords, 2 great axes, 2 great maces, 2 glaives, 2 spears, 2 strap shields, 2 punch shields, 2 arrows, 8 rocks, 2 javelins, and 2 loaner weapons for the realm. It is strongly suggested that they design a new innovative weapon type or construction method that proves safe for use in battle. They must have hosted 5 weapons construction classes and at least one annually thereafter.


Beginner Weaponsmith


Jourenyman Weaponsmith

Craftsman Weaponsmith

Expert Weaponsmith

Master Weaponsmith
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